about the weather
- Astronomical dawn/dusk
The instant in the morning, when the centre of the Sun is at a depression angle of eighteen degrees (18°) below an ideal horizon.
- Delta T
Calculated by subtracting the wet bulb temperature from the dry bulb temperature. (source)
- Dew point
The temperature to which air must be cooled in order to produce condensation (dew). It represents how much moisture is in the air: the higher the dew point temperature, the greater the atmospheric moisture content. (source)
- Ephemeris
- Humidex
A measure of how hot we feel. It is an equivalent scale intended for the general public to express the combined effects of warm temperatures and humidity. (source)
- UV Index
- Solar Irradiance
- Wet bulb temperature
The lowest temperature to which air can be cooled by the evaporation of water into the air at a constant pressure. (source)
- Windchill
The lowering of body temperature due to the passing-flow of lower-temperature air. (source)